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Completing a Risk Assessment

To complete a Risk Assessment, open the risk you want to complete the Risk Assessment for and scroll down to Actions.

You can either click on the name of the Risk Assessment if there is an existing one with a task due or click New Action and select Risk Assessment from the drop-down menu to create a new one.

New Risk Assessment

On the Action page, you can edit the details for the risk assessment by clicking Edit at the top of the page. Here you can change the name, description, recurrence, task dates, responsible user and the task window.

Once you are done, click Submit to save.

Edit Risk Assessment

Once you have opened the action, scroll down to the Tasks and click on the earliest task.

Edit Risk Assessment

Click on Respond Now to begin the Risk Assessment

Edit Risk Assessment

Selecting the Likelihood and Consequence of the risk will highlight the corresponding square on the Risk Matrix

Edit Risk Assessment

Proceed to add controls from the Hierarchy of Controls and organisational controls relevant to the risk.

Similar to the Inherent Risk, selecting the Likelihood and Consequence of the Residual Risk will highlight the square on the Risk Matrix.

Edit Risk Assessment

Finally, determine whether the residual risk is now within your organisation’s acceptable levels and click Save and Complete to submit your risk assessment

Edit Risk Assessment